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Versioning Support

There are different components that might require independent versioning and support level:

  • Management Cluster
  • API
  • HyperShift Operator (HO)
  • Control Plane Operator (CPO)
  • HyperShift CLI
  • Hosted Control Plane (HCP) CLI

Support Level

Management Cluster

In general, the upstream HyperShift project does not place strict requirements on the OpenShift version of your management cluster. This may vary depending on the particular platform; for example, Kubevirt requires management clusters with OCP 4.14 and higher.

The HO determines what versions of OCP can be installed through the HostedCluster (HC); see the HO section for more details. However, different versions of the HO are thoroughly tested only on a limited set of OpenShift versions, and this should inform your deployment decisions.

Production Use Cases

For production use & support, it is required to use a downstream product which bundles a supported build of the HyperShift Operator. This downstream product is called Multi-Cluster Engine (MCE) and it is available through OpenShift's OperatorHub.

MCE versions do require specific OCP versions for the Management Cluster to remain in a supported state. Each version documents its own support matrix. For example,

As a heuristic, a new release of MCE will run on:

  • The latest, yet to be released version of OpenShift
  • The latest GA version of OpenShift
  • Two versions prior to the latest GA version

Versions of MCE can also be obtained with the Advanced Cluster Management (ACM) offering. If you are running ACM, refer to product documentation to determine the bundled MCE version.

The full list of HostedCluster OCP versions that can be installed via the HO on a Management Cluster will depend on the version of the installed HO. However, if you are running a tested configuration or MCE, this list will always include at least (a) the same OCP version as the Management Cluster and (b) Two previous minor versions relative to the Management Cluster. For example, if the Management Cluster is running 4.16 and a supported version of MCE, then the HO will at least be able to install 4.16, 4.15, and 4.14 Hosted Clusters. See the Multi-Cluster Engine section, under the expanded section titled "OpenShift Advanced Cluster Management" on this page for more details.


There are two user facing resources exposed by HyperShift: HostedClusters and NodePools.

The HyperShift API version policy generally aligns with the Kubernetes API versioning.


The upstream HyperShift project does not release new versions aligned with the OpenShift release cadence. New versions of the HO are periodically tagged from the main branch. These versions are tested and consumed by internal Red Hat managed services, and you can use these versions directly. However, for supported production use, you should use a supported version of MCE.

The HO is tagged at particular commits as part of merging new HO versions for Red Hat managed services; there is no particular tagging scheme for this effort.

A list of the tags can be found here.

Once installed, the HO creates a ConfigMap called supported-versions into the Hypershift namespace, which describes the HostedClusters supported versions that could be deployed.

Here is an example supported-versions ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
    server-version: 2f6cfe21a0861dea3130f3bed0d3ae5553b8c28b
    supported-versions: '{"versions":["4.17","4.16","4.15","4.14"]}'
kind: ConfigMap
    creationTimestamp: "2024-06-20T07:12:31Z"
    labels: "true"
    name: supported-versions
    namespace: hypershift
    resourceVersion: "927029"
    uid: f6336f91-33d3-472d-b747-94abae725f70


You cannot install HCs higher than what the HO supports. In the example above, HCs using images greater than 
4.17 cannot be created.


The CPO is released as part of each OCP payload release image. You can find those release images here:

HyperShift CLI

The HyperShift CLI is a helper utility used only for development and testing purposes. No compatibility policies are guaranteed.

It helps create required infrastructure needed for a HostedCluster CR and NodePool CR to successfully install.

Running the following command will show what the latest OCP version the CLI supports against your KUBECONFIG:

% ./bin/hypershift version
Client Version: openshift/hypershift: 1ed535a8d27c5a1546f1ff4cc71abf32dd1a26aa. Latest supported OCP: 4.17.0
Server Version: 2f6cfe21a0861dea3130f3bed0d3ae5553b8c28b
Server Supports OCP Versions: 4.17, 4.16, 4.15, 4.14


The HCP CLI is the productized version of the HyperShift CLI. This CLI is available through download from MCE.

Similar to the HyperShift CLI, running the hcp version command will show the latest OCP version the CLI supports against your KUBECONFIG.