Ingress and DNS configuration
By default, the HyperShift operator will configure the KubeVirt platform guest cluster's ingress and DNS behavior to reuse what is provided by the underlying infra cluster that the KubeVirt VMs are running on. This section describes that default behavior in greater detail as well as information on advanced usage options.
Default Ingress and DNS Behavior
Every OpenShift cluster comes setup with a default application ingress controller which is expected to have an wildcard DNS record associated with it. By default, guest clusters created using the Hypershift KubeVirt provider will automatically become a subdomain of the underlying OCP cluster that the KubeVirt VMs run on.
For example, if an OCP cluster has a default ingress DNS entry of
, then the default ingress of a KubeVirt
guest cluster named guest
running on that underlying OCP cluster will
be *
For this default ingress DNS to work properly, the underlying cluster
hosting the KubeVirt VMs must allow wildcard DNS routes. This can be
configured using the following cli command. oc patch ingresscontroller -n openshift-ingress-operator default --type=json -p '[{ "op": "add", "path": "/spec/routeAdmission", "value": {wildcardPolicy: "WildcardsAllowed"}}]'
When using the default guest cluster ingress, connectivity is limited to HTTPS traffic over port 443. Plain HTTP traffic over port 80 will be rejected. This limitation only applies to the default ingress behavior and not the custom ingress behavior where manual creation of an ingress LoadBalancer and DNS is performed.
Customized Ingress and DNS Behavior
In lieu of the default ingress and DNS behavior, it is also possible to configure a Hypershift KubeVirt guest cluster with a unique base domain at creation time. This option does require some manual configuration steps during creation though.
This process involves three steps:
- Cluster creation
- LoadBalancer creation
- Wildcard DNS configuration
Step 1 - Deploying the HostedCluster specifying our base domain
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With above configuration we will end up having a HostedCluster with an ingress wildcard configured for *.apps.example.hypershift.lab
This time, the HostedCluster will not finish the deployment (will remain in Partial
progress) as we saw in the previous section, since we have configured a base domain we need to make sure that the required DNS records and load balancer are in-place:
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If we access the HostedCluster this is what we will see:
hcp create kubeconfig --name $CLUSTER_NAME > $CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig
oc --kubeconfig $CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig get co
console 4.14.0 False False False 30m RouteHealthAvailable: failed to GET route (https://console-openshift-console.apps.example.hypershift.lab): Get "https://console-openshift-console.apps.example.hypershift.lab": dial tcp: lookup console-openshift-console.apps.example.hypershift.lab on no such host
ingress 4.14.0 True False True 28m The "default" ingress controller reports Degraded=True: DegradedConditions: One or more other status conditions indicate a degraded state: CanaryChecksSucceeding=False (CanaryChecksRepetitiveFailures: Canary route checks for the default ingress controller are failing)
In the next section we will fix that.
Step 2 - Set up the LoadBalancer
If your cluster is on bare-metal you may need MetalLB to be able to provision functional LoadBalancer services. Take a look at the section Optional MetalLB Configuration Steps.
This option requires configuring a new LoadBalancer service that routes to the KubeVirt VMs as well as assign a wildcard DNS entry to the LoadBalancer's IP address.
First, we need to create a LoadBalancer Service that routes ingress traffic to the KubeVirt VMs.
A NodePort Service exposing the HostedCluster ingress already exists, we will grab the NodePorts and create the LoadBalancer service targeting these ports.
Grab NodePorts
export HTTP_NODEPORT=$(oc --kubeconfig $CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig get services -n openshift-ingress router-nodeport-default -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http")].nodePort}') export HTTPS_NODEPORT=$(oc --kubeconfig $CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig get services -n openshift-ingress router-nodeport-default -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("https")].nodePort}')
Create LoadBalancer Service
cat << EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: app: $CLUSTER_NAME name: $CLUSTER_NAME-apps namespace: clusters-$CLUSTER_NAME spec: ports: - name: https-443 port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: ${HTTPS_NODEPORT} - name: http-80 port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: ${HTTP_NODEPORT} selector: virt-launcher type: LoadBalancer EOF
Step 3 - Set up a wildcard DNS record for the *.apps
Now that we have the ingress exposed, next step is configure a wildcard DNS A record or CNAME that references the LoadBalancer Service's external IP.
- Get the external IP.
export EXTERNAL_IP=$(oc -n clusters-$CLUSTER_NAME get service $CLUSTER_NAME-apps -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
- Configure a wildcard
DNS entry referencing the IP stored in $EXTERNAL_IP that is routable both internally and externally of the cluster.
For example, for the cluster used in this example and for an external ip value of
this is what DNS resolutions will look like:
dig +short test.apps.example.hypershift.lab
Checking HostedCluster status after having fixed the ingress
Now that we fixed the ingress, we should see our HostedCluster progress moved from Partial
to Completed
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Optional MetalLB Configuration Steps
LoadBalancer type services are required. If MetalLB is in use, here are some example steps outlining how to configure MetalLB after installing MetalLB.
Create a MetalLB instance:
oc create -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: MetalLB metadata: name: metallb namespace: metallb-system EOF
Create address pool with an available range of IP addresses within the node network:
oc create -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: IPAddressPool metadata: name: metallb namespace: metallb-system spec: addresses: - EOF
Advertise the address pool using L2 protocol:
oc create -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: L2Advertisement metadata: name: l2advertisement namespace: metallb-system spec: ipAddressPools: - metallb EOF